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Dec 22, 20234 min read
Tips for Emotionally Navigating the Upcoming Break
You’ve been running and working and grading and subbing and goal setting and scheduling meetings, planning meetings, attending meetings,...

Mar 28, 20235 min read
The Oversimplification of Emotional Regulation
As educators, we often strive to create a calm and positive learning environment for our students. We work hard to regulate our own...

Sep 3, 20227 min read
Advice for New Teachers - Know when to hang on, let go, and lean in
I am confident in saying that most educators remember their first year of teaching, or at least remember parts of it in the blur that it...

Aug 7, 20225 min read
Clearly Communicating an Ecosystem of Mental Health Support for Students
To help our students be successful, we know that teaching them to problem solve and search resources for what they need is a necessary...

Jun 14, 202211 min read
Who is responsible for educators' mental health and wellness?
There are few other professions or systems that need to be more closely aligned than education in order to function. Administration...

May 31, 20229 min read
How do we support traumatized students while still protecting those who aren't?
My youngest daughter is adopted. She was brought home as a 10-month-old baby from Guatemala all chunkiness and big brown eyes. We were in...

Apr 4, 20225 min read
Dear Districts: Time to Wake Up, The Teachers Aren't Coming
There's an interesting phenomenon that happens when it comes to change where the catalyst is adversity - people don't want to believe...

Feb 21, 20224 min read
Why is Discussing Teacher Pay Important?
The idea of discussing teacher pay has long been largely ignored. At the root, it seems that as a society we underpay professions that...

Nov 10, 20214 min read
The Fight: Self-care vs. Systemic Change
As a mental health advocate and consultant, I speak about self-care. A lot. Districts ask me to come in and speak about self-care. A...
Oct 14, 20213 min read
The Wounded Healer - Teacher
The wounded healer is a pretty common psychological term that refers to the idea that people who consider themselves healers can only...
Jul 11, 20217 min read
SEL Opportunities to Support Student Mental Health Post-Pandemic
I was recently asked why I have such a problem with the term “learning loss” (or any version of that term). It’s not that I don’t believe...
Dec 30, 20204 min read
Can We Change the Lens in Which We View Parents?
I was a young mother. I had my eldest son a few months after turning 21. Having dropped out of college to do so, I was not my school...
Feb 9, 20205 min read
On The Inside vs On The Outside
I have alluded to my childhood turmoil before in blog posts and go into a bit more detail in The Fire Within, but I often keep the...

Dec 3, 20195 min read
Three Ways Resentment Impacted My Engagement As A Teacher
One of the most important graces I gave myself when I began to reengage into the education profession after becoming burnt out was to let...

Aug 15, 20193 min read
Define For Me How Good Teachers Feel
If you are a good teacher, you are grateful for your job and you live for the first day back. If you really cared about your students,...

Jan 9, 20194 min read
When Your Actions Are Misaligned With Your Core Beliefs
When I taught I used to joke about how I wished I would have kept a book all along about putting together words that I never thought I’d...

Dec 18, 20182 min read
Find the Thing That Feeds Your Soul
I often get asked how I re-engaged back into loving education. And I do love it. Like everyone, I have difficult weeks. Loving what you...

Mar 7, 20185 min read
My Core Beliefs: Focus on the Why
This is the second post in the series. You can find the first post on defining your core beliefs here. There has been a lot of discussion...

Jan 28, 20184 min read
If I Knew Then: Advice to my first-year teacher self
In preparing for a keynote, I had come across this video where teachers were asked to write a letter to themselves as a first-year...

Nov 13, 20174 min read
I Was an Imperfect Teacher
I’ve read articles that describe social media as one of the reasons that teenagers have self-esteem issues partially because of how...
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