How does technology relate to mental health? (Is it as obvious as you might think?)
I get this very question all the time. At the beginning of my career, I was deeply rooted in edtech. I was an elementary teacher who...
How does technology relate to mental health? (Is it as obvious as you might think?)
The Potential for Sensory Overload Post-Lockdown
Three Strategies for Fighting Educator Self-Abuse
Four Ways You “Should” Give Yourself Grace
Living On The Edge
The Comfort of Coping versus the Discomfort of Healing
Where Vulnerability Becomes a Liability (hint: it’s the place where courage is born)
Five Ways to Feel Better About Where You Are
The Feels of Learning Something New
Leading From the Heart
Why Procrastination and Fear Shouldn’t Derail Our Goals
The One About Vulnerability, Change and Growth
What Can Divergent Thinking Do For You (The Teacher)?
Building Trust with Challenging Conversations
When Setting a Goal Isn’t Enough